Comments by Ted Asregadoo

Comment for "Now He's 64: A Paul McCartney Appreciation (29:00 or 16:00)" (deleted)

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Review of Now He's 64: A Paul McCartney Appreciation (29:00 or 16:00) (deleted)

Now that McCartney is one of two remaining ex-Beatles, it seems that his contribution to the group and his talents as a musician are getting more attention. I'm not a Beatles historian or a fan whose been reading everything I can find on the group, but my sense is that prior to the 90s, the dominant narrative glorified John as the imaginative one, and Paul as a more conventional musician. However, the piece on Revolver and this current one are clearly trying to alter that perception by demonstrating that Paul's sense of musicality had moments of wonderful originality. Sadly, this piece also shows how McCartney's desire to transcend the kind of material he wrote with the Beatles and Wings has made him a very generic songwriter.

While I didn't find this program as informative as the one on Revolver, it had some nice moments of analysis (i.e., dissecting a song like "Taxman.")

Overall, a very good job!

--Ted Asregadoo

Comment for "Everything Was Right: The Beatles' Revolver"

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Review of Everything Was Right: The Beatles' "Revolver"

Breaking down Revolver's technical, poetic, and stylistic brilliance makes this program more than just a "love letter" to the Beatles. Sure, they were a great band that had a profound effect in pop music, but hearing from folks talk about what makes "Revolver" such a classic album helps non-musicians understand why certain elements in the album were very innovative. The combination of American R&B, classical music flourishes, Indian sitar work and great songwriting makes one realize that the devotion to song craft The Beatles had is something many bands seem to overlook in today's pop landscape.

-- Ted