Comments by Sara Robinson

Comment for "Stagefright"

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Review of Stagefright

"Stagefright" is a tremendously inspiring piece--just what we need more of in radio. As a performer, woman, and motherI relate to Edith on many levels. Mostly, I admire the relationship of respect and compassion evident in the long marriage between Edith and her husband. Production quality is very high. Steve's voice is like butter, filled with compassion and authenticity. The writing is clear, unpretentious, and accessible for all audiences. Bravo!

Sara Robinson
Host/Executive Producer
Conscious Creating

Comment for "Linda Ronstadt at 60 with her old friend, David Bromberg (short)"

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Review of Linda Ronstadt at 60 with her old friend, David Bromberg (short)

Wow! I had forgotten how much I enjoy Linda Ronstadt. I'm longing to hear the entire piece. What I liked most was the relaxed conversation. I felt I was listening in to a couple of old friends hangin' out. You captured that, Steve, and that's not as easy as it sounds. I loved the way the clips faded over and under dialogue. Made the piece appear seamless.
I loved it...want more of it!

Sara Robinson
Host/Executive Producer
Conscious Creating

Comment for "A Radio Rorschach Test"

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Review of A Radio Rorschach Test

"A Radio Rorschach Test" is a creative piece of radio. I enjoyed the counterpoint between the reporter's authoratative tone and the tongue-in-cheek subject matter. The test "subjects" represented a diverse population, which added to the overall value of the piece. Good fun!

Sara Robinson
Conscious Creating: the art of transformation

Comment for "IPR : Irrational Public Radio - demo"

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Review of IPR : Irrational Public Radio (demo)

The demo from Irrational Public Radio holds up a mirror to those of us working in the wonderful wacky word of public radio and allows us the pleasure of self-deprecation. The clips were well produced and reminded me of vignettes from "Saturday Night Live." I'm glad there are those of us out there who still have a sense of humor! Keep up the good work.

Sara Robinson
Host/Executive Producer
Conscious Creating
the art of transformation