Comments by Robert Greene

Comment for "What Brought the House Down"

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Review of What Brought the House Down

Ok, so it's a little unfair for me to review this because my roommate, close friend and sometime collaborator produced it. But I've just listened to it for perhaps the tenth time, and it made me laugh again. So what I can I say? He's my friend, but it's honestly hilarious and insightful.

Brendan has a way of seeing themes and patterns. An hour of a deeply forgettable speech becomes memorable in a 2:35 selective cut that strips all artifice away. Here are the applause lines, folks. Notice how Bush delivers them; it is clear to him that they are applause lines, and he pauses to wait for what he knows is coming. This is what oratory has become, shown at its nakedest in this clip. Listen, shiver slightly, and laugh.