Comments by Thomas Voelkner

Comment for "Independent Minds: Peter Sellers"

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Review of Independent Minds: Peter Sellers

Living on this side of the pond, in London that is, gave me the opportunity to see "The Life and Death of Peter Selles" already on the big screen. A great film ... however, this is not subject of this review. The "Independent Minds: Peter Sellers" radio piece makes good use of the material currently available, like soundbites from the film, statements by people like Geoffrey Rush and others, etc. But the program goes the extra mile and presents a wealth of material: Vintage recordings from the BBC, explaining the significance of Sellers for post-war entertainment in Britain; director Blake Edwards tells about the difficulties working with Sellers; and there is a great attention to detail when it comes to less well-known Sellers films that are presented and commented on. A nicely packaged, humorous and pacy one-hour feature on a truly great actor!