Comments by Sean McElroy

Comment for "Fresh Pond Trees"

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of Fresh Pond Trees

Beautifully recorded. Unconventional even by PubRad standards. Might be a tough play on the air as there's so much space. The voice-over is a bit directive for such a transendentalist mood. It's tough to beat mother nature at her best.

Comment for "A Trip to the Dentist"

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of A Trip to the Dentist [Larry Massett]

Wonderfully textural production with layers of sound evoking pure primal connection to the subject matter. The litany of buckles for the chicklets, the pendelous rhythms - has as hypnotic an effect on the listener as on the patient. We recall laughing at the start of the piece, then apprehension, now a narcotic effect comes over us we too are drifting... in and out of procedures... did we feel a certain sharpness arcing through our jaws? Somehow we're not reassured by the knowledge that our dentist has a background in arts & crafts. The triumphal finish has us re-evaluating our initial apprehension. Great stuff!