Comments by Sonia Brock

Comment for "Blues File: Little Milton obituary"

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Review of Blues File: Little Milton obituary

Chameleon talent Little Milton is well profiled here. So many hits form a R&B bedrock.Glad to see his blues legacy empasized here.

Comment for "Blues File: Koko Taylor"

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Review of Blues File: Koko Taylor

Koko Taylorr is a force of nature. She is bedrock blues. I wish her the very, very best in overcoming health problems. We need her to carry on.

Comment for "Blues File: new Music Maker releases"

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Review of Blues File: new Music Maker releases

Good to hear Music Make Relief Foundation talents profiled.Bob Dylan / Etta Baker connection is interesting. Precious Bryant release is of great interest to me personally.

Comment for "Blues File: retrospective on R. L. Burnside"

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Review of Blues File: retrospective on R. L. Burnside

R.L. Burnside history well capsuled. Music clips illustrated his life in a very personal way. Rock connection is interesting.

Comment for "Blues File: Detroit Junior obituary"

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Review of Blues File: Detroit Junior obituary

Good 'Detroit Junior' overview. Insight on his talents as a composer. As much R&B and Blues the sound clips show how his talent straddled the fence.

Comment for "Blues File: Buckwheat Zydeco "Jackpot!" review"

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Review of Blues File: Buckwheat Zydeco "Jackpot!" review

I needed to know more about Zydeco and this piece gives me some perspective. Lively sound cuts make this a superior review.

Comment for "Blues File: B. B. King & Gatemouth Brown"

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Review of Blues File: B. B. King & Gatemouth Brown

Interesting comments on the contrast between B.B. King and the late lamented Gatemouth Brown. Gatemouth gets my vote on this one.

Comment for "The Beatles In America - 1964 (2 Hours @ 59:00 or 54:00)"

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Review of The Beatles In America - 1964 (Hour 1)

What a time trip. Took me instantly back 40 years plus. I felt young again in a more innocent time.