Comments by Michael A. George

Comment for "It is To Laugh - Starship Majora: The Shape Shifter"

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Holdover Hillarity

Arvid, I think you need a hobby that has nothing to do with Radio. Online or comments. Yes, it was bad humor, but that's what makes America free. Hrumph. Yes, it has offensive language.... so does our news casts. Editing for USA Broadcast? Shove it. "Freedom of Speech" means freedom to hear too.

All in all, the piece sucked. I still found it funny, and still support Dan and Michael and hope to hear more! .... moreover, I pray it's better done ... lol

Comment for "Quirks & Quarks: Episode January 3"

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Green Vs. Green

Has anyone thought about combining the CO2 removal scrubbers with Wind Farming? The largest problem was getting that volume of air through the Tower machine, so, use the Wind Farms. These are in places where there is normally a TON of wind, and altering the Wind machines may not be too terribly difficult. If not retrofitting, then creating a new type of Wind Machine. There are days I wish I could talk directly with a scientist that has his or her hands into this type of thing directly.

Comment for "Gays and the generation gap"

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I just played this audio, and it has nothing to do with the blurb or the title...