Comments by John Blackmer

Comment for "Bells From Everest"

Caption: PRX default User image

Just in case anyone else was wondering as much as I was how I could get some of these, here's the site! It was a slightly awkwardly structured piece, but it's carried through by his eagerness, and even more once the bells come in. But it really needed more of the bells chiming, as if from distances.

Comment for "Surrounded by Lights"

Caption: PRX default User image

This beautiful piece moved me to tears.

Elegantly woven, and not only without narration, it was so smooth and so compelling that I didn't even think about where any of the cuts or transitions were. Evocatively captures a capsule of this woman's busy life, with just enough snatches to get a strong feel for her, and want to know more. I've been avidly listening to PRX for 5 years, and this piece stands out in my memory as among the very few best. It should be used to teach documentary radio.