Series for H2O Radio

Caption: H2O Radio
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H2O Radio's series looking at energy & infrastructure

Caption: H2O Radio
3 Pieces

"Emerging contaminants" are chemicals that are being detected in water resources and are suspected of posing environmental or public health risks. Of the over 84,000 chemicals in commercial use today, only nine are banned or regulated. The rest? They're in household products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and toys. Because they're so pervasive they're turning up everywhere— from high alpine lakes, urban streams, and rural ponds—even in the middle of the ocean.

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5 Pieces

Sustainability is the concept that current development meets the needs of the present without compromising the well-being of future generations. A key component of sustainability is conservation—water efficiency efforts that innovate to avoid waste in order to have adequate supply for the future. Conservation and sustainability also involve efforts to protect water quality to safeguard the habitat of wildlife and ecosystems upon which all life depends.

Caption: H2O Radio News
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H2O Radio's news service that reports on developments affecting water in the West.

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Conversations about food, agriculture, and water

Caption: H2O Radio is journalism about water
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H2O Radio's series “Making Waves” raises awareness about the latest research, science, and technology around water.

Caption: H2O Radio—Journalism About Water
9 Pieces

H2O Radio's Series on Climate Change The story of climate change will be told through water—extreme drought, severe weather, floods, melting glaciers, sea level rise and more.

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A series that examines the convergence of water, politics and law.

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"This Week in Water" is a weekly round-up of water in the news produced by H2O Radio and sponsored by The American Water Works Association.

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H2O Radio is journalism in the public interest. We conduct in-depth reporting on water issues both local and global to inform audiences and generate conversations.