Series for Terrascope Radio

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16 Pieces

From the remote Galapagos Archipelago, to the Arizona desert, to a tiny farming village in southern India, to the top of a volcano in Iceland, Terrascope Radio's young producers take you around the world, exploring how each culture's people face--and overcome--the challenges that come with living where they do.

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4 Pieces

Do populations of microbes, such as bacteria, have a kind of "social" structure? What happens if you put a microbe on the world's smallest diving board, and why would you do that in the first place? In search of answers to these and other questions, Measuring Marine Microbes takes you into the lab, out to the lunch trucks where scientists have some of their best ideas, and beyond. Produced with funding from the National Science Foundation.

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0 Pieces

MIT/Terrascope Youth Radio takes you on a green audio tour of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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4 Pieces

Audio postcards created by college students on their less than conventional spring breaks.

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30 Pieces

Short pieces, each about one person and a special place.