Comments for A Cook's Notebook: Praise the Pig!

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This piece belongs to the series "A Cook's Notebook"

Produced by Viki Merrick of APM an WCAI, WNAN & WZAI

Other pieces by Ali Berlow

Summary: A foray into pig farming

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Review of A Cook's Notebook: Praise the Pig!

I've listened to several pieces in this series and what I've really liked about is the very original idea of combining a kind of accessible literary approach with the practical passion of cooking and food. In this piece, the author talks about something in a really interesting and frank way - about her relationship with the animals she eats - an idea that Americans don't often openly cotton to but something that here in France is simply understood - and the piece is well-written like the others - but it is much more straightforward and less of a short story - well-worth airing and may even spark some controversy on the air - but I did find myself wondering, is this really part of the same series? It has a different tone and style than the clever short stories I've heard in other parts of the series.

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Review of A Cook's Notebook: Praise the Pig!

I wrote my original review to say: "A likity-split method to cook a pig. You got to listen carefully and be able to take notes faster than ever."

But then the producer contacted me so say that the fast speed of piece was not intentional and slowed it down. Now, the piece is probable an interesting piece about man's favorite meat without the original unique challenges to the listener. So, I recommend that you listen to it and take notes at normal speed.

Vegetarians will probably be more interested in the Rhurbarb piece.

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