Comments by Larry Gardner

Comment for "Entrepreneur"

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of Entrepreneur

What a nice and though-provoking interstitial! Great to give you a grin before a grim newscast. It's sure to remind anyone who has ever tried to start a business of that excitement you get that can so easily be deflated by a bank loan officer!

I'd like to have been able to hear some of the lines a little better--a little work on the mix would help.

Comment for "Survey Says..." (deleted)

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of Survey Says... (deleted)

As a filmmaker and movie fan, I like to hear of the timelessness of great motion pictures. I was also surprised to learn that "Casablanca" was so popular among those who are young enough to have not been born when it was made.

The piece is also very nicely put together. The use of dialog clips brought back the images of the films as vividly as if they were shown on a screen. Great use of radio as "Theater of the Mind".