Comments by Jen Curry

Comment for "Limited solutions for St. Louis gang problem"

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Review of Limited solutions for St. Louis gang problem

Got a bullet-proof vest? this reporter says St. Louis is as bad as Bagdahd.

At any rate, the message is, snitch.

80 gangs in the area, all African-American, Mexican, or Bosnian.

this reporter wasn't afraid to snitch, he's not from there.

so we got one killing on tape, admittedly, one interviewee says he got 5 thousand dollatrs to shoot somebody.
who wouldn't do it?

Then-- the amicable, gang CPR. If you didn't know your heart was there... gang CPR might could find it, your heart. This program helps gang members resuscitate... "see me with a job... two weeks to get a 300 dollar check, but see I'm used to fast money." So it's hard, so hard to wait on that minimum wage job check. I feel ya.

quotes from law enforcement:

"All the law enforcement in the world won't change a thing."

"We need to provide jobs, recreational training, (and jobs)."

In the end, shocking statistics for a rural community.

I'm surprised they trusted this Maine-based producer, did he offer the peeps lobster or something?

I'm certain he just has that kind of renegade attitude from the northeast that nodoby understands.

I didn't hear one mention of drugs, so I'm guessing it's all just territorial.


jen (back in black)

Comment for "Communityville (1st Grade Room)"

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Review of Communityville (1st Grade Room)

like the intersting opening, nice voice over-- "closest to the coat room"

(although) a little bit of voice or natural sound while "playing communityville" would be nice...

I am so glad the host is a dentist, I always like dentists! I take teeth seriously.

and dogs, who got the woof sounds?

Of course, me personally, I would be at the radio station. Is there a box for the radio station?

At any rate, the jobs inside the shoeboxes are very, very important.

I can't believe you used a church bell as the head of the town!

...because in America there is a seperation of church and state on purpose... still I admit, I enjoyed the music with the tweety birds at the end of the piece.

la,la,la,la,... .


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happy that someone's doing it (experimenting with electronic-poetry)-- this piece does need a bit of "room cleaner" in the beginning, even though it's obviously a rare? archival recording....

The interviewee says that "poetry (is) a formula that never resonated with me." That's why this electronic artist is soooooooo not-obsessed with words...

for kicks-- e.e. cummings book called "no thanks" put the names of all the publisher's that rejected his poetry into a funeral urn.

I'm interested if there's a recording in the voice of the poet of the more complicated language poems which utilize letters as full words, or sounds as full words...

I think this "ambivalent artist" that's profiled here simplifies the meaning of e.e. cummings' poetry. one poet (can't remember the name) said if I needed music, it'd already be there.

The piece itself is confusing because the artist isn't clear about why he picked e.e. other than he probably doesn't think cummings is a real poet... I felt like the report was distorted, but an interesting topic nonetheless.

and what kind of mic was this interview recorded on? whawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... .

For the artist, I like the baby voice, because it makes me "x-peckt (hope)"

Comment for "Confronting the Warpland: Black Poets of Chicago" (deleted)

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Review of Confronting the Warpland: Black Poets of Chicago (deleted)

If you like Gwendloyn Brooks, you'll be happy with this hour long special. Her classics like We Real Cool are intertwined with other work I had not previously heard.

Based on the title, I expected more images of Chicago during the time the poetry was written. I found the poetry in this particular production somewhat bland insofar as variety of voices.

I did so enjoy a couple what I call 'advice for a young poet lines' like Brooks' "in your poem tell the truth as you know it, don't sugar it up"

and "a girl gets sick of a rose"

the tone here doesn't necessarily match the message of the poets' voices, then again there's not many programs that can hold a person's attention for 58 minutes.

Comment for "Barack Obama on Trade"

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Review of Barack Obama on Trade

ignoring the "tax break" pitch for now but I think that Clinton's time-out idea prompted ol' Obama to say something quite cliche:

"when I am president I will not sign another trade agreement unless it has protection for environment and for American workers?"

so, in context this quote could mean anything... I'm thinking, why can't I find a good pair of athletic shoes anymore???????

Comment for "Where Were You Fifth Period?"

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Review of Where Were You Fifth Period?

what a novel question. here are my favorite quotes:

"we didn't have to cut school because the school got set on fire."

"because I got engaged on my lunch break."

"do you love school?" "yes." '(how much? enough to go to night school?)' (answer:) "nuh-uh"

interesting music bed... ends with the lyrics "there's gonna be a tragedy"

I think this spot or what I call a montage (mahn-tahj) expresses the attitude of 'we're just social beings being social.' It would be nice to follow-up with a montage that answers the question, what did you learn today?

Comment for "Bringing Down the Blood (English)"

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Review of Bringing Down the Blood (English)

didn't get "hooked" because there were too many stats at the front... but feel in love with your flower girl:)

for whatever reason I like to write and listen at the same time and I just didn't get to hear the whole thing yet...

besides popping a bit and needing a little trim I thought it was okay, maybe try for 4 minutes next time.

Comment for "The Transom Radio Hour - Audio Diaries" (deleted)

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Review of The Transom Radio Hour - Audio Diaries (deleted)

This is a must listen for producers. It packages audio diaries in a way that hooked me for the full 52 minutes, and taught me a few things along the way.


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Review of Literary Friendships (deleted)

.......... thanks, Garrison, for getting the word out that the voices of poets are conversational.

Comment for "Gumbuster"

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Review of Gumbuster

This is not just cleaning up chewing gum from the sidewalk with a spray can and a scraper, apparently now, there's a more complicated way. This guy is colorful, and glad to have heard his side of the story. Great people-centered element.

Comment for "White Collar Boxing"

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Review of White Collar Boxing

how refreshing that two bankers can, with some civilty, challenge each other in a public arena. the nat sound could be extended under the narration a bit more to keep the flow going, but otherwise an interesting news piece for stations with this demographic living in their region.

Comment for "A physicist battles drug addiction"

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Review of A physicist battles drug addiction

great topic, I think the face of addiction needs to be more honest, that most are functional. Yearned for more than the success story though... less "sugared up" and delving into what triggered the addiction to begin with? How did this guy actually live in the so-called underbelly, yet progress. Why is the only nat sound that of a grandfather clock? This piece (re-worked) could be paired with other features on similar themes...

Comment for "Refugee Job Fair"

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Review of Refugee Job Fair

I think this topic is newsworthy. Refugees are shaping a new American identity. I would be more interested in what becomes of one of these interviewees. This piece is a good springboard for further investigation of what it's like to come to America for the first time.

Comment for "Who Is Vern Nash?"

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Review of Who Is Vern Nash?

This story could be dropped into a show that is a compilation of audio docs. Vern Nash is super engaging, the continuity never breaks, the pace of the piece is right on.

Comment for "Blues File: Chicago Blues Harmonica Project"

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Review of Blues File: Chicago Blues Harmonica Project

man, I would look forward to this segment anyday. nice use of sound and narration.

Comment for "?Cold Case Cowboys? on murder trail" (deleted)

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Review of “Cold Case Cowboys” on murder trail (deleted)

a neat short piece with nice nat sound to intro the first scene. what I like is discovering that these are just everyday guys, unlike the intensity I expected from the title.

Comment for "Blind Africans Sing to Survive" (deleted)

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Review of Blind Africans Sing to Survive (deleted)

Great recordings of performances by the Blind Africans, yet I wanted more--the information is very interesting, but also wanted some further context of the why? in their own voice.

Comment for "A Voice Of Warning"

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Review of A Voice Of Warning

The automaton continuity-- and moans and groans--allow the listener to experience what it may feel like to live inside Jade's shell-- the narration is intrusive at times, but definately begs to be something more than someone moving past the spectacle of Jade's being. Suspicious about what's beneath the prevention message. Beauty and life and demons...