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Playlist: Spring 2020 Fundraisers

Compiled By: PRX Editors

Curated Playlist

A list of Spring '20 on-air fundraising material for PRX programs. Check regularly for updates as we add fundraising material

The Moth Spring Fundraiser 2020

From The Moth | Part of the The Moth Fundraising Material series | 43:01

*Fundraising hour for stations carrying The Moth Radio Hour weekly. Includes pitch notes that you can adapt for your station.*


In this hour, stories of persistence and determination. A woman caught between love and tradition, an adventure at sea in an unlikely vessel, a road trip gone wrong, and a student in need. This hour is hosted by Jay Allison of Atlantic Public Media, the producer of this show.

Tim_fitzhigham_small Nimisha Ladva comes to terms with what it means to be a "good Indian girl."

Tim FitzHigham is a record breaking adventurer who sets off to cross the English Channel in a bath.

Caroline Connolly describes her misadventures on a family road trip. 

Maxie Jones finds an unexpected relationship that changes his life forever.

Spring 2020 TAL Fundraising Show

From This American Life | Part of the This American Life Fundraising and Generic Promos series | 39:30

A new This American Life fundraising episode for Spring 2020. Three segments totaling 39:41. The first two segments mention the coronavirus pandemic. The third does not. There's also have a new standalone module (that has the same pitch as segment 1).

Default-piece-image-1 A new This American Life fundraising episode for Spring 2020. Three segments totaling 39:41. The first two segments mention the coronavirus pandemic. The third does not. There's also have a new standalone module (that has the same pitch as segment 1).

March 2020 Fundraiser: The Secret History of Food Words

From Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio | Part of the Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio Fundraising series | 33:40

Grant Barrett and Martha Barnette, hosts of the radio show “A Way With Words,” join us to explore the language of food. They discuss why some restaurant servers ask “Will you be wanting anything else?”—instead of simply “Do you want anything else?” And they explain phrases that seemingly don’t make a lot of sense, such as “in a pickle.” Plus, Alex Aïnouz attempts to make a 1-million layer puff pastry; we learn the step-by-step rules to perfect curry; and Christopher Kimball and Sara Moulton take your calls.

Msl_radio_logo_cobrand_prx__2__small Grant Barrett and Martha Barnette, hosts of the radio show “A Way With Words,” join us to explore the language of food. They discuss why some restaurant servers ask “Will you be wanting anything else?”—instead of simply “Do you want anything else?” And they explain phrases that seemingly don’t make a lot of sense, such as “in a pickle.” Plus, Alex Aïnouz attempts to make a 1-million layer puff pastry; we learn the step-by-step rules to perfect curry; and Christopher Kimball and Sara Moulton take your calls.

***In addition to the fundraising-friendly content, we have a variety of options to support your fundraising efforts, including pitching with our host, Christopher Kimball, and lots of options for giveaway items, including Milk Street cookbooks, magazines, unique pantry items, cookware, knives, and more.

For more information, please email Cathy Twiss (ctwiss@pri.org) and Annie Sinsabaugh (annie@177milkstreet.com).***

REVEAL Fundraiser Episode Spring 2020

From Reveal | 45:00

For the 2020 Spring fundraising season, here are three of our favorite Reveal stories from the past year.

Default-piece-image-0 For the 2020 Spring fundraising season, here are three of our favorite Reveal stories from the past year.


From Living On Earth | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 43:42

Super environmentalists are more likely to sit it out on election day than voters who don’t identify the environment as a top priority. We’ll have a look at how the Environmental Voter project is trying to change that. Also, using low-tech solutions to rehabilitate degraded land in Mexico. That and more in this special Spring 2020 Fundraiser show on Living on Earth.


Living on Earth 
Spring Fundraiser 2020 
Host: Steve Curwood 
TRT including newscast: 43:42
Pitching avail 15:18
Stations may get two more minutes of pitching 
by taking the newscast cutaway between :04 and :06 
Seg 1: Billboard: 1:00 
IN: (Music :02) “From PRI...” 
OUT: “..on Living on Earth. Stick around.” 
Seg 2: Newscast Music Fill: 
Seg 3: SEGMENT A: 11:37 
IN: “From PRX and the Jennifer and Ted Stanley studios...” OUT: “Here is the number to call, and thanks!.” (:19 MUSIC FOR TALKOVER)
1.) NO SHOW GREEN VOTERS: About 20 million registered voters in the US list the environment as one of their top two priorities. But compared to other voters they’re more likely to stay home on Election Day. These "super-environmentalists" are also more likely to be in a minority group -- they're often African-American or Hispanic -- and they tend to be young and live in cities. Founder of the Environmental Voter Project, Nathaniel Stinnett, joins Host Steve Curwood to discuss what it might mean for environmental policies if these 20 million "super-environmentalists" registered voters actually show up at the polls in greater numbers and what his organization is doing to get out that green vote.
2.) BIRDNOTE- STATE BIRD: Every state in the US has an official state bird. Typically, they are native birds or have a strong connection to the state. But as BirdNote’s Mary McCann reports, that’s not always the case. (1:57)  
OUT TEXT: “Hi, I’m Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth. With the 2020 presidential election just around the corner we are dedicated to bringing you the environmental news you need to make an informed choice. So please support that effort and make a pledge to this station.  Here is the number to call, and thanks! (:15)
Seg 4 SEGMENT B TOTAL: 10:53
IN: “It’s Living on Earth, I’m Steve Curwood.” 
OUT: “”...the number to call. Thanks!” (:12 MUSIC FOR TALKOVER)
1. SCIENCE NOTE: CAN PLANTS HEAR?: Flowers don’t have ears like ours, but recent research finds that some flowers, like evening primrose, can “hear” the buzzing of bees’ wings. Living on Earth’s Don Lyman reports on how these flowers sometimes quickly respond to nearby pollinators by sweetening their nectar. (2:21) 
2. RECOMPOSING THE DEPARTED: For most of recent human history, we’ve laid our dearly departed to rest through burial and cremation. But these can bear an environmental burden linked to land use and greenhouse gas emissions. Now, Washington State residents have a new green option: human composting, also known as natural organic reduction. Host Steve Curwood spoke with Recompose CEO Katrina Spade about the process of human composting and her mission to help families turn lost loved ones into fertile soil. (8:00) 
OUT TEXT: Hi, I’m Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth and each week we work hard to bring you environmental stories that get you thinking about the many ways we all interact with our natural world. From food to environmental health to our final wishes we bring you the stories you won’t hear anywhere else. Please help us continue that work, here is the number to call, Thanks! (:20) 
Seg 5 SEGMENT C: 14:03
IN: “It’s Living on Earth, I’m Steve Curwood.” 
OUT: "... here’s how you can help" (:23 MUSIC FOR TALKOVER)
1. WATER RANCHING IN MEXICO: Bobby Bascomb visits acclaimed land preservationist Valer Clark at her ranch, Cajone Bonito, in Agua Prieta, Mexico. Valer has been a steward of dried up lands in Mexico and the southwestern US since she purchased this property in the 1970’s, and she’s dedicated herself to finding ways to restore and maintain it. Alongside Valer and other experts, Bobby explores this ecosystem, its history, and the methodology that strives to bring it back to life. (13:20)
OUT TEXT: So much environmental news these days can be depressing and hard to hear, but at Living on Earth we strive to also bring you positive stories about how people are building in more sustainable ways. I’m Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth. Please, help this station bring you those stories. And here’s how you can help. (:18)
Seg 6 Fundraising spot (dry)
This station is a reliable source of news and information about the environment. And it’s more important than ever to have the information you can trust. Hi, I’m Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth. Each week we work hard to research the most important big and little news stories about our changing world. Living on Earth has been broadcasting for nearly 30 years and our crew has a deep knowledge of these issues, as well as a huge list of experts we can call on. For the news on environmental change that helps you and your family, you can turn to us for accurate and informative and sometimes humorous stories. So now please be here for us. Take a moment to pitch in. Here’s how. And thanks.  (0:39)
SHOW PROMO Total: 30 Steve Curwood 
On the next Living on Earth – Super environmentalists are more likely to sit it out on election day than voters who don’t identify the environment as a top priority. We’ll have a look at how the Environmental Voter project is trying to change that. Also, using low-tech solutions to rehabilitate degraded land in Mexico.  That’s next time on Living on Earth.
(Local date and tag line here) 

"Spring 2020 Fundraiser" with Mo Rocca, Irene Taylor Brodsky, and Joe Zimmerman

From Live Wire! Radio | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 47:50

This episode is a pledge edition of Live Wire that features humorist Mo Rocca, filmmaker Irene Taylor Brodsky, and comedian Joe Zimmerman.

Ep400_thumb_small On this special edition of Live Wire, Luke Burbank welcomes some of the program’s favorite guests from 2019. Humorist Mo Rocca explains select chapters from his new book Mobituaries: Great Lives Worth Reliving, in which he memorializes fascinating people (and objects) from history who didn't receive the send-off they deserved; documentary filmmaker Irene Taylor Brodsky discusses her new film Moonlight Sonata, which follows her deaf son as he attempts to master Beethoven’s famed composition; and comedian Joe Zimmerman reveals why his credit card purchases provide the perfect alibi.

2020 Spring Fundraiser: Changing Our Minds For The Better / Pushing Human Limits

From Wisconsin Public Radio | Part of the To The Best of Our Knowledge Fundraisers series | 01:19:52

In this special fundraising edition of "To the Best of Our Knowledge," host Anne Strainchamps samples some of our best interviews about intelligent optimism and human endurance.

Itunes_squareart_medium_small PROMO FOR "CHANGING OUR MINDS FOR THE BETTER"
There's a lot of negativity out there. In this special fundraising edition of "To The Best of Our Knowledge," our guests share reasons to be positive and the secrets to intelligent optimism.

Is it our limits that make us human or the struggle to push past them? We climb a mountain, go to Mars and the end of the Earth to find out in this special fundraising edition of "To the Best of Our Knowledge."